The Purpose Beyond Profit Assessment
Diagnose your business with purpose-driven KPIs
Schedule a Free Coaching Call
After you take the assessment, schedule a free coaching call with us to discuss your results and talk through bottlenecks you may be facing. This coaching call is a good fit for you if:
1. You want to love people through your business
2. You’re open to developing aligned skills & systems for growing your business
3. Your business model is not a MLM or Network Marketing (I don’t have any experience in this field)
4. You’re committed to showing up for the time slot you select
5. You’re committed to investing your treasure (time, energy, money) where God has called your heart to be (Matt. 6:21)
The Purpose Beyond Profit Model
Build your business in alignment with your God-given purpose.
Mission Clarity
Find purpose and direction by aligning your business to your purpose beyond profit.
Redemptive Content
Communicate your mission powerfully through crafted stories and resources.
Raving Community
Build meaningful relationships that extend beyond momentary transactions.
Sustainable Sales
Develop sustainable sales systems that consistently generate sales.
Lead yourself and your team forward with aligned leadership rhythms & empowerment.