Mastermind Spotlight Aliese Halcomb

Introducing our September Mastermind Spotlight, Aliese Halcomb! Aliese graduated from Purpose Beyond Profit Cohort #12 and is the owner of Halcomb Studios, a virtual assistance agency. Aliese grew up in a family of entrepreneurs – business was a common topic when her family gathers for dinner around grandma’s table. As any entrepreneur can relate to, Aliese started off with some failures and bumps in the road. Later on, Halcomb Studios was founded while Aliese and her husband were living in a hotel after a Cat. 5 hurricane. God brought beauty from ashes. 

When she joined the cohort, she knew that God was leading her in a new direction for her business. In addition to her VA agency, Aliese founded The Peaceful Mom Collective, a program that specializes in helping moms with young kids create peace in their lives, families, and business. Through the program, Aliese helps her clients build personalized plans that focus on identifying priorities, developing rhythms, and creating practical ways to fulfill the things that matter most to her clients. Aliese’s vision is for moms to graduate her program with a stronger identity of their God-given calling in motherhood and practical plans to sustain their current season in life.

God has placed you in this season of motherhood for a reason. You have the power to create a life that glorifies Him, reduces chaos, and fills your home with peace.” -Aliese Halcomb

Since graduating from the Purpose Beyond Profit cohort and joining the Mastermind, Aliese has been able to launch her first group of clients in The Peaceful Mom Collective. She’s grown in her confidence and loves having the accountability and perspective of other entrepreneurs. “I prayed that God would send me the exact right people to help me in my business and God sent me Jeremy. And then He opened the door to the mastermind. Those people, they are my people.”  Aliese says she’s had confidence to continue out so many ideas that would have otherwise puttered out without the support of the Mastermind. We love seeing Aliese shine as she pursues her purpose beyond profit! 

If you’re a mom with young kids and want help establishing peace in your house with the foundation of Jesus, check out The Peaceful Mom Collective. If you’re a business owner in need of virtual assistance or marketing help, visit Halcomb Studios for Aliese’s help.